Pharma Ads Still Under Scrutiny

Aug. 22, 2007
It doesn't look like drug ads will be escaping the FDA's watchful eye any time soon. According to an AP story, the FDA says it plans to study how 2,000 people react to television drug ads to determine whether they have an overwhelmingly positive impression of products despite audio warnings about potential side effects. Ads creating a positive impression - what a concept. Last time I checked, the ad for "tastes great-less filling" didn't include a disclaimer for cirrhosis of the liver. I realize that pharma industry ads are regulated to a higher standard, but shouldn't doctors and company websites/literature explain the risks.  Last week AP released their analysis of statistics from the Drug Enforcement Administration between 1997 and 2005 citing the amount of five major painkillers sold at retail establishments in the U.S. rose 90 percent. This, despite the fact I have yet to see an ad about OxyContin or Vicodin. I found it amusing this morning that the pop-up ad accompanying the original story was for rheumatoid arthritis. It has since been changed. BS
It doesn't look like drug ads will be escaping the FDA's watchful eye any time soon. According to an AP story, the FDA says it plans to study how 2,000 people react to television drug ads to determine whether they have an overwhelmingly positive impression of products despite audio warnings about potential side effects. Ads creating a positive impression - what a concept. Last time I checked, the ad for "tastes great-less filling" didn't include a disclaimer for cirrhosis of the liver. I realize that pharma industry ads are regulated to a higher standard, but shouldn't doctors and company websites/literature explain the risks.  Last week AP released their analysis of statistics from the Drug Enforcement Administration between 1997 and 2005 citing the amount of five major painkillers sold at retail establishments in the U.S. rose 90 percent. This, despite the fact I have yet to see an ad about OxyContin or Vicodin. I found it amusing this morning that the pop-up ad accompanying the original story was for rheumatoid arthritis. It has since been changed. BS
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