NJ Homeowners to Sue Roche for Underground Chemical Contaminants
Roche may be vacating its Clifton, NJ headquarters in 2015, but not before as many as 60 homeowners living adjacent to the property bring a class action lawsuit over contaminated groundwater.
In preparing for the sale of the NJ site, Roche had TRC Environmental Corp. carry out an environmental investigation of the property. An inspection of the sewer last spring showed a substantial amount of underground chemical contaminants which TRC said likely originated in areas north of the drug company's facility. The investigation revealed cracks in the sewer line running beneath the Roche site which are believed to be responsible for contaminants making their way into the groundwater.
According to NorthJersey.com, Roche claims it conducted investigations both on its site and in the surrounding area and remedial investigation reports were submitted to the NJDEP prior to May 2014 and accepted as complete. Homeowners, however, claim environmental issues have ruined their property values.
Read the NorthJersey.com article