Ex-GSK Investigator Claims China Officials Held Health "Hostage" in Prison
Originally hired by GlaxoSmithKline to investigate its China corruption scandal, British investigator Peter Humphrey spent almost two years in a China jail where he said he had problems with his prostate but diagnosis was withheld for months to pressure him to confess.
After being arrested in 2013 on charges of improperly selling personal information about Chinese citizens, the British husband and wife corporate investigator team were found guilty and sentenced to two and a half and two years in jail, respectively. The couple was recently released on medical grounds but described having to live in cell conditions that were severely cramped and overcrowded, and sometimes involved being handcuffed and held in a metal cage.
GSK had hired the duo to investigate the company’s then head of China operations, Mark Reilly, and his connection to a multitude of corruption allegations. An official connection between the charges brought against the couple and GSK was never made.
Read the Guardian article