Hitachi America, Ltd., Industrial Systems Division, recently announced the new X200 Series of inverters. The X200 delivers substantial power and flexibility in a compact and efficient contactor-style (power input at the top/motor output at the bottom) package. The result is high performance in a low-cost micro-drive, and an inverter that can fit an extensive range of applications.
The X200 series volts-per-hertz inverter is a frequency drive solution, and carries the UL, c-UL, CE, and C-Tick marks. It is suited for fan, pump, conveyor and many other general-purpose applications. Designed with the environment in mind, the X200 is RoHS compliant. A new Safe Stop feature provides a hardware-based emergency stop function compliant with EN standards. Another new X200 function decelerates and stops the motor using regenerative energy from the load when the AC supply power is lost.
Other features include a trip avoidance function, automatic energy saving function, built-in timing logic, analog input math (PLC) functions, and RS485 Modbus/RTU communication interface. Many other useful functions are standard.