Sanofi dives deep into mRNA space

June 29, 2021

Although Sanofi has yet to come up with a big vaccine win during the pandemic, it is not letting the mRNA train run away without it.

This week, the company announced that it is investing about $477 million each year into R&D for mRNA technologies. The French company, which is one of the largest vaccine developers in the world, said it hopes to bring about six mRNA products into human trials by 2025 — but didn’t indicate which diseases it plans to target.  

Sanofi also recently announced that it has launched a phase 1 trial alongside Translate Bio to study an mRNA vaccine for influenza. It also still has two COVID-19 vaccines in trials.

To support its mRNA aims, the company plans to launch a new research center with 400 scientists dedicated to developing mRNA vaccines.