Rigaku Raman Technologies, a leading innovator of handheld Raman spectrometers, today announced software enhancements to its leading Xantus-2 dual-wavelength portable Raman analyzer, which is being used widely in the pharmaceutical and analytics/academia markets. Demonstrating Rigaku Raman’s commitment to continually improve customers’ workflow and effectiveness, the new Xantus-2 version software delivers enhanced compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines and provides smart features designed to sharpen performance and simplify data management.
“Workflow efficiency, compliance and accurate data analysis are critical requirements of our customers – and with these new enhancements, Rigaku Raman is raising the bar on these capabilities,” said Bree Allen, General Manager at Rigaku Raman. “Just as we delivered the industry’s first 1064nm capabilities, Rigaku Raman will continue to set new benchmarks in product development to ensure that customers get the best products with the most advanced capabilities designed to support their unique applications.”
About the Software Enhancements
The new Xantus-2 version software includes a redesigned account management user interface for stronger instrument security and data protection for enhanced compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines. Simplified data management and storage functions enable easier management of multiple libraries, while automatic naming convention and file saving features eliminate inconsistent storage locations and file names by multiple users.