GSK enlists sales staff to win over hearts and minds

Feb. 21, 2006
Michael Pucci, GlaxoSmithKline's vice president for external advocacy, is asking the company's sales team to lead a campaign to shore up the industry's image. The sales force "is out speaking to Rotarians, Elks, Lions Club members, senior-citizen groups, weekly newspapers, schools and every community group they can think of. And Mr. Pucci said GSK has enough sales reps to cover every county in every state in the country," Ad Age writes. Reputation matters, Pucci said. In this industry, its so important. We have to tell that story of how were investing for the future. Will it fall on deaf ears? -- PWT
Michael Pucci, GlaxoSmithKline's vice president for external advocacy, is asking the company's sales team to lead a campaign to shore up the industry's image. The sales force "is out speaking to Rotarians, Elks, Lions Club members, senior-citizen groups, weekly newspapers, schools and every community group they can think of. And Mr. Pucci said GSK has enough sales reps to cover every county in every state in the country," Ad Age writes. Reputation matters, Pucci said. In this industry, its so important. We have to tell that story of how were investing for the future. Will it fall on deaf ears? -- PWT

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