PAT Webcast on Applying PAT in a DMAIC Framework With Genentech’s Process Engineering Director Pankaj Mohan
Sept. 13, 2006
And, drumroll please, here it is. Brief registration is required. Please overlook the tail end, where some "technical difficulties" ensued with slide progression, and click "View now."
Eli Lilly's engineering advisor and distinguished PAT expert Joseph Alford had some words of wisdom to share on the phrase "PAT is not a novel concept"
..."That is absolutely true, as much of my 35 year career has been spent on implementing on-line mass spectrometry on Lilly development and production fermentors - so we have been implementing PAT for well over 25 years on pharmaceutical processes - and have successfully dealt with the various justification and implementation issues that both Pankaj and Bart talked about during the webcast.
We have always maintained that PAT is not new. The only thing new - and being hyped - is FDA's endorsement of it.Folks who are considering getting involved with PAT should NOT perceive it a newly evolving, high risk, low base of experience technology - but that there are some long term rich successful applications that they can draw/build upon..."
Dr. Alford will be retiring from Eli Lilly next year, after 35 years with the company, to coauthor a book on bioprocess control and do some consulting. We wish him all the best in this next stage in his career.
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