Take Our New Survey on FDA/Industry Relations

Nov. 11, 2006
We're looking into how day-to-day industry/Agency relations have changed since the FDA announced its 21st Century cGMP program, and invite those working in the industry and for the Agency to take 10 minutes to respond to this survey. We'll be posting this link on our site shortly, but industry and FDA representatives, and consultants and academics who work with both groups, are invited to take the survey.  Results will be interpreted in January's issue.  (Questions focus on manufacturing, particularly plant inspections, but there is one drug development question included).  Click here to take survey
We're looking into how day-to-day industry/Agency relations have changed since the FDA announced its 21st Century cGMP program, and invite those working in the industry and for the Agency to take 10 minutes to respond to this survey. We'll be posting this link on our site shortly, but industry and FDA representatives, and consultants and academics who work with both groups, are invited to take the survey.  Results will be interpreted in January's issue.  (Questions focus on manufacturing, particularly plant inspections, but there is one drug development question included).  Click here to take survey

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