There is a new phenomenon called a "splog," which does for a blog what spam does for email. Text is randomly cut and pasted onto a Wordpress or other blog. I've discovered to my horror that one has "linked" to this site.
But I also wonder if any of you also find yourselves having to take 15 minutes out of your day to delete the weird spam that is now in vogue, or the "comments" that make it past the spam filter on a blog. I'm not talking about the lottery notifications or the Nigerian Barrister letters, but the more poetic and absurd specimens.
I've decided to group together a very small number of today's gems into this short poem:
"Dusty brogues worth of a plait cut of this old GummyBut wastrel by expend, It roof an atypic, Be is revolt! He procure is visigoth, but it do rubdown, is inherit at cyclistGo saturable, do shape. Booth germinate, have exravaganza in wheat.Of in complaint, Be is Revolt.
Thank you, Magdalena Conwayi and all the other brilliant contributors to this opus who waste so much of the world's time each day. May your online days be numbered.
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