More signs of improvement at FDA? In news that should please any journalists who follow the Agency (or people in search of more streamlined information access), the FDA has just announced improvements to its online press center. Here's the 411...
The OC Web Management Staff has worked in close collaboration with the OPA press to significantly enhance the FDA Newsroom page and the press contact form. This went live yesterday as one of our several efforts to immediately improve FDAs Web presence. Please see:Newsroom page:
-Press release page:
-Press Office Rapid Response Contact Form:
The Newsroom is now designed less as a ˜bulletin board and more as an organized layout to direct media inquiries. The Contact Form is enhanced to allow the media quick and direct access to the right press officers at FDA.
The Newsroom page has a new URL and we've put up redirect information on the old URL ( Please change the links on your pages that point to the old URL.
The other two pages were redesigned but not renamed.
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