Evil Barcodes

March 22, 2007
Pharma has been slow to adopt some of the latest track and trace technologies, for technical , financial and other reasons, but Pfizer, Purdue and a number of other companies have proven that they work at pilot scale and are now scaling them up.  We'll look at these robust projects in our next issue. Public concerns are another issue.  Consumer groups in the U.S. and Europe are still concerned about privacy issues, but some people are worried for entirely different reasons.  Reuters just reported on the villagers of Bogolyubovo (which means God fearing) in Russia, some of whom have refused to use their new passports or pick up pension checks because they fear that the codes contain secret Satanic messages. For more click here. Perhaps some outreach is necessary?
Pharma has been slow to adopt some of the latest track and trace technologies, for technical , financial and other reasons, but Pfizer, Purdue and a number of other companies have proven that they work at pilot scale and are now scaling them up.  We'll look at these robust projects in our next issue. Public concerns are another issue.  Consumer groups in the U.S. and Europe are still concerned about privacy issues, but some people are worried for entirely different reasons.  Reuters just reported on the villagers of Bogolyubovo (which means God fearing) in Russia, some of whom have refused to use their new passports or pick up pension checks because they fear that the codes contain secret Satanic messages. For more click here. Perhaps some outreach is necessary?

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