The Wit and Wisdom of Padma Perkish

July 7, 2008
 Haven't had much time for TV lately, so I was very late in discovering that the brilliant comedienne Tracey Ullman is back and in rare form in her satirical show, "State of the Union," in which she skewers everyone from A. Huffington and Andy Rooney to Beckham to Hollywood's A list.  Her aim is deadly.  (Consider this example----at 9 minutes it's a very long clip----skip the beginning, but please do watch the second skit, starting from about 1:52) Among her characters is Padma, a pharmacist working in Tennessee, who breaks out into Bollywood-style song when reciting the potentially negative side effects of drugs.   If any of you have missed this inspired and politically incorrect silliness, here is one sampling from You Tube (one of several posted on YT). 
 Haven't had much time for TV lately, so I was very late in discovering that the brilliant comedienne Tracey Ullman is back and in rare form in her satirical show, "State of the Union," in which she skewers everyone from A. Huffington and Andy Rooney to Beckham to Hollywood's A list.  Her aim is deadly.  (Consider this example----at 9 minutes it's a very long clip----skip the beginning, but please do watch the second skit, starting from about 1:52) Among her characters is Padma, a pharmacist working in Tennessee, who breaks out into Bollywood-style song when reciting the potentially negative side effects of drugs.   If any of you have missed this inspired and politically incorrect silliness, here is one sampling from You Tube (one of several posted on YT). 

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