Anticounterfeiting from the Printer’s Perspective

Aug. 25, 2008
An fyi: Steve Simske of Hewlett-Packard offers a nice, unbiased (though HP-oriented) perspective on current anticounterfeiting measures from his Security Printing and Imaging blog. Definitely worth a view. Today he reminds us of the potential benefits of using stable isotopes as a way of authenticating processes by which APIs and drugs are made. It's a topic we've covered quite a bit, with some help from John Jasper of Molecular Isotope Technologies, who's worked with FDA, J&J and others to advance the technology: J&J Looks at Stable Isotopes for Process Analysis Isotope Analysis Expands Its Forensic Niche Stable Isotopes Find a New Role in PAT --PWT
An fyi: Steve Simske of Hewlett-Packard offers a nice, unbiased (though HP-oriented) perspective on current anticounterfeiting measures from his Security Printing and Imaging blog. Definitely worth a view. Today he reminds us of the potential benefits of using stable isotopes as a way of authenticating processes by which APIs and drugs are made. It's a topic we've covered quite a bit, with some help from John Jasper of Molecular Isotope Technologies, who's worked with FDA, J&J and others to advance the technology: J&J Looks at Stable Isotopes for Process AnalysisIsotope Analysis Expands Its Forensic NicheStable Isotopes Find a New Role in PAT --PWT

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