California’s e-Pedigree Law: Only 2,312 Days to Go?

Sept. 2, 2008
The prospect of California's e-pedigree and drug serialization legislation being pushed back to 2015 (from 2009, then 2011) has the industry breathing a sigh of relief, or is it a sigh of frustration? Drug Channel's Adam Fein, back from his self-imposed blog-cation, weighs in. Perhaps most relevant, says Fein, is the fact that California seems deferential to a national track-and-trace system. But is that national system likely to materialize, driven by FDA? Probably not, says Fein in his Sept. 3 blog entry. --PWT
The prospect of California's e-pedigree and drug serialization legislation being pushed back to 2015 (from 2009, then 2011) has the industry breathing a sigh of relief, or is it a sigh of frustration? Drug Channel's Adam Fein, back from his self-imposed blog-cation, weighs in. Perhaps most relevant, says Fein, is the fact that California seems deferential to a national track-and-trace system. But is that national system likely to materialize, driven by FDA? Probably not, says Fein in his Sept. 3 blog entry. --PWT

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