Pharmaceuticals in the Water; Don't Ask, Don't Tell

April 20, 2009
More evidence that the drug industry and EPA need to redefine acceptable emissions limits for APIs, collaborate on intelligent and cost effective detection and analytical methods and proactively address a controversial subject that will not go away.  It may take decades to come up with any definitive answers, but the time to get the word out on this is now.  (We plan to air a webcast on this topic next fall).  Click here for a recent article updating the Associated Press look at pharmaceutical ingredients in
More evidence that the drug industry and EPA need to redefine acceptable emissions limits for APIs, collaborate on intelligent and cost effective detection and analytical methods and proactively address a controversial subject that will not go away.  It may take decades to come up with any definitive answers, but the time to get the word out on this is now.  (We plan to air a webcast on this topic next fall).  Click here for a recent article updating the Associated Press look at pharmaceutical ingredients in the municipal water supply. AMS

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