An iPhone Bioreactor? C’mon, Really?

Oct. 7, 2009

These past couple months, we’ve been investigating the uses that pharma and life sciences companies will find for iPhones and iPods. Here’s a recent article, including a discussion with Symyx VP of Content Carmen Nitsche on her company's foray into iPhone lab applications, and a blog post on the topic.

These past couple months, we’ve been investigating the uses that pharma and life sciences companies will find for iPhones and iPods. Here’s a recent article, including a discussion with Symyx VP of Content Carmen Nitsche on her company's foray into iPhone lab applications, and a blog post on the topic.

This press release came across my desk today, about the “World’s First Biorector on an iPhone.” It’s a fair bit of false advertising because, as you might guess, it’s not the actual reaction that’s taking place on the phone—“I’ve heard of microreactors, but this is ridiculous!”—but the monitoring and control of the reaction. Still, that’s pretty cool.

German company DASGIP, a manufacturer of benchtop reactors, is launching its Remote Control Suite at this week’s Biotechnica in Hanover. The suite runs on PC’s and notebooks, but also on iPhones, and DASGIP is giving visitors to its booth a chance to test drive the system.

"Users can now monitor all relevant process parameters from an office, between business meetings or even from home on the weekend. All they need is a computer and Internet access," says Matthias Arnold, DASGIP Chief Scientific Officer.

Imagine a day when you’ll be running your plant from an airport lounge or Tahitian beach—as long as your iPhone batteries hold out (“There must be a plug around here somewhere . . . that batch is just about done!”)


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pharmamanufacturing | pharmamanufacturing