Please Take This Survey (and How Many Times Can We Say Thank You?)

Jan. 6, 2010
In this digital era, we ask a lot more of you, our readers--to answer poll questions, provide feedback on articles, and most importantly to provide input for our surveys on key industry topics. Well, here we go again. There are two surveys that we'd love to get your input on:

In this digital era, we ask a lot more of you, our readers--to answer poll questions, provide feedback on articles, and most importantly to provide input for our surveys on key industry topics. Well, here we go again. There are two surveys that we'd love to get your input on:

Our 2010 Job Satisfaction and Salary Survey: We'll feature data in our February issue, and on, and look forward to hearing your thoughts about your work life and career.

BioPlan Associates' 7th Annual Report and Survey of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing: BioPlan's survey is truly unique in its breadth of topics covered and depth of input from the industry. We encourage you to participate, and will work with BioPlan to share results in our magazine pages later this year (and on

We literally can't thank you enough for your support, and are looking for ways to acknowledge your participation in these surveys. This year, for our job and salary survey, we're donating money to a charity that we think is worthy and relevant to the work we all do: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. What better way is there to encourage you to help us out?

BioPlan's way of saying thanks is to provide you with an extensive free summary of results for your participation.

These surveys are important ways for us to measure how the pharmaceutical and biopharma industry are doing, and to share this data for the benefit of all. Again, we've said it before, but thank you so much.

About the Author

pharmamanufacturing | pharmamanufacturing