Digital Insights: Is Apple's iPad Our Future Together?

March 8, 2010
The printed page has connected writers and readers for centuries. We've connected with you for nearly a decade now, and intend to do so for decades to come. But will Apple stand in the way?

Apple has taken over our phones and music, so why not the way we read magazines? The recent dramatic unveiling of Apple’s iPad has left major media outlets scrambling to prepare content for the largest consumer mobile tablet computer to date . . . priced at a cool $829.

The iPad will not be the last of large tablet portable devices, but it has already begun to modernize both the way in which content is presented and how we consume print media. While the information may remain the same, we will be given the opportunity to enhance our own reading experience through video, sound, 3D graphics, animation and full interactivity at our fingertips. We will not only be able to enhance our own experience, but to share the wealth via immediate social media outlets and bookmarks. 

Wired Magazine recently presented a video that outlined its vision of what a completely digital magazine would encompass (

“I’m from the media world,” Wired Editor-in-Chief Chris Anderson said, “and as you may have heard, we have lots of questions about our future. The good news is I think we found part of the answer. . . . We think this is a game changer.”

Wired currently has a tablet version of its magazine running on Adobe's Air platform, and its digital magazine vision includes video, interactive article sharing and even embedded, touchable 3D objects.

While cost, connectivity and IT constraints will be obvious obstacles for standard media and publishing companies as they begin to adapt to new mediums such as Apple’s iPad, it seems the future of the print magazine is not the doom and gloom that has been expected, but rather an innovative and exciting revolution in the way we create, consume, and share information.

If you’ve visited our web site lately, you know that we’re already experimenting with things to make your online experience a good one. So we take innovation in stride, and if the iPad’s what you intend to use, we’ll be there. But if you still love reading on this ancient invention called paper, fear not. We’ll be here in print as well.

About the Author

Michele Vaccarello Wagner | Senior Digital Editor