White paper: Enhancing virus clearance process capability using a biodegradable detergent

Feb. 8, 2024
Effective viral clearance is at hand with the new, biodegradable J.T.Baker® Viral Inactivation Solution. A sustainable alternative to Triton X-100, this cGMP-ready solution supports the quality and stability of target proteins.

To overcome the process and environmental challenges of current viral inactivation methods, Avantor scientists developed readily biodegradable J.T.Baker® Viral Inactivation Solution.Study data in this article illustrate key performance parameters of this highly effective detergent, including:   • High virus killing kinetics (> 6.5 LRV) independent of operational temperatures   • Compatibility across a range of molecules and with subsequent process steps   • Preserves protein integrity for product stability   • No impact on dynamic binding capacity or yield   • Successfully clears from the final product

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