A new line of pilot- and process-scale chromatography columns from TechniKrom Inc. are the highest performing and easiest to use for cGMP production, according to the company. The columns are available in three different pressure ratings, Bioprocess, Medium Pressure and Preparative HPLC. A patent-pending Hoist-Free Design allows column frits and seals to be removed, cleaned, and replaced without column disassembly. Dynamic axial compression guarantees that bed integrity is maintained through shrink/swell cycles and pressure changes up to 10X longer than non-dynamic columns. The use of piston packing permits rapid and reproducible pack/unpack and eliminates the need for a packing station and the lengthy packing protocol optimization for each stationary phase required. The Bioprocess columns are a sanitary ASME-BPE design and available from 5 cm to 2.0 meter diameter with automatic bed height adjustment from 1 cm to 1 meter. The HPLC and MPLC process columns are solvent resistant and high-performance from 5 cm to 1.4 meter diameter. All product contact surfaces and seals are 316L stainless steel or FDA-approved Teflon.