Based on LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) technology, Pharma Laser's PharmaLIBS 250 is a laser-based analytical instrument designed for rapid, reliable testing of solid and oral dosage pharmaceuticals.
- Dimensions: 135 centimeters x 60 centimeters x 99 centimeters (53 inches x 24 inches x 39 inches)
- Weight: 130 kg (273 lbs)
- Wheeled for mobility
- Fully safety interlocks protection
- Larger laser-safe viewing port
- HEPA filtration system
Sample Tray
- Capacity of 26 samples
- Laser sampling positions are fully software selectable
- Removable sample holders for customization to different sample size and shape
- Disposable or reusable sample holders
CDRH Classification:
- Class 1 Laser System (No safety eyewear necessary)
- Pulse Nd-YAG laser operated at fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm
- Pulse duration: 3-5 ns
- Pulse energy: computer controlled, up to 190 mJ per pulse
- Repetition rate: computer controlled, up to 10 Hz
- Spot size: ~ 200 μm
- Imaging Czerny-Turner configuration
- Triple selectable grating (better resolution)
- Spectral resolution: 0.1 nm
- Grating and Wavelength selection under full computer control
System Software
- PharmaLIBSTM 250 software
- Fully automated data acquisition and results processing 'Methods' based
- Real time display of acquired spectra and processed results
- Graphical and tabular output data
- Data export to text and Microsoft Excel format
- Graphical export to BMP, WMF and JPG formats
- Fully 21 CFR Part 11 Compliant Software
CCD Detector:
- Interline readout scientific grade CCD
- Thermoelectrically cooled
- Electronic grating
- Exposure window: 100 nm and up
- Spectral sensitivity rage 300-1000 nm
- High Power Computer
- Compact LCD flat panel display