Covering Pittcon, Back Next Week

Feb. 25, 2007
Will be away at Pittcon (the spectroscopy and analytical instrumentation conference) in Chicago next week, but will file any interesting tidbits I can. Have a great week (and avoid travelling to the midwest and northeastern US if you possibly can)---we had another snow fall in Chicago last night---not the lovely snow, but the messy, slushy variety.  Will Spring never come?
Will be away at Pittcon (the spectroscopy and analytical instrumentation conference) in Chicago next week, but will file any interesting tidbits I can. Have a great week (and avoid travelling to the midwest and northeastern US if you possibly can)---we had another snow fall in Chicago last night---not the lovely snow, but the messy, slushy variety.  Will Spring never come?
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pharmamanufacturing | pharmamanufacturing