Amazon Pharmacy to deliver Eli Lilly drugs

March 13, 2024

Eli Lilly has partnered with Amazon Pharmacy to offer direct home delivery of specific prescriptions for obesity, diabetes and migraines through Lilly's direct sales platform.

The collaboration makes Amazon Pharmacy the latest addition to the drugmaker's LillyDirect platform, promising two-day shipping for select patients. Launched at the start of the year, LillyDirect aims to simplify patient access to medications, specifically Zepbound, Eli Lilly's highly sought-after weight loss drug. LillyDirect platform connects patients with an independent telehealth provider for necessary prescriptions, and leverages online pharmacies like Amazon Pharmacy for direct delivery.

As demand for Zepbound escalates, Eli Lilly has faced challenges in fulfilling supply, reflected by sporadic shortages of the drug. While specific usage statistics for LillyDirect remain undisclosed, the company reports a substantial influx of interest towards the platform. Plans are underway to expand the scope of available medications and to forge other partnerships.

The collaboration with Amazon Pharmacy builds on Eli Lilly's prior initiatives, including a project last August to introduce coupons for insulin and diabetes medications on the Amazon platform.