Funny Pharm: You Write the Caption & Win: September 2013

"Funny Pharm" features drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King. Submit your caption and win!

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing presents "Funny Pharm," featuring drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King.

The winning cartoon caption will be featured on The winner will receive a coffee mug with the cartoon and winning caption printed on it.

Please submit your caption to [email protected]. Thank you for your contributions!
★Winning Caption★

Bob, we may need to review what I meant by “Validation Runs.” - Alex Packard
Contending Submissions
"Yup, took the track and field training philosophy, and implemented it in our lean production program. And now we're contenders on that 'Leaner Loser' show." - James Sarzynski
"The 6 Sigma Man: You see, Mr. Steve Austin, we do have the technology and the capabilities to make you better, faster and leaner."  - James Sarzynski
“Okay. One more lap around the 6-Sigma obstacle course and we’ll measure your waste loss.” - Tara Bronson
"If you learn to implement 6 sigma, I'll fix you a 7 and 7." - Bill Russo
"I just figured out how to eliminate waste. Get dressed and leave." - Bill Russo
"Your gemba run is almost over, Mr Johnson." - Bill Russo
"Let me finish this report on you. THEN I'll go paperless." - Bill Russo
"The time you're making is nothing to CRO about." - Bill Russo

"You're a CMO?  Well... CMOn and finish, then." - Bill Russo

"Where's your hair net?" - Lou Di Paolo
“Ten more seconds and you should beat your weight after that six sigma exercise.” - Lonnie Barish
"Run Run and drop dead." - Kaushik Valambhia
To: EH&S, upper management, and our worker comp insurance
Study Results:  Lower carbon footprint, better employee health, less utility overhead. The trifecta of experimentation.
Now what was that drug supposed to do? " - Leonard Hungiville

“With our new Lean program, we are running circles around the competition.” - Alex Packard
“Bob, we may need to review what I meant by “Validation Runs.” - Alex Packard

“Oops!  I forgot to start the stopwatch!” - Jim McDow

"You're deviating from procedure, speed up!" - Sheldon P. Krocker

"Oh, Takt Time, I thought he said Track Time." - Declan O'Sullivan

“Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence is key to unlocking our potential it is then, that Problems become opportunities when the right people join together” - Hans Von Gordon

“The suggestion box had requests for a fitness center, so if you can run a 10 minute mile, we’ll be able to package another pallet." - Linda L. Saniewski

“You think you have it bad: I’m being replaced by an automatic weight checker.” - Robert Morris

"I see your problem - the protocol says Lean Manufacturing, not Lean Manufacturer." - Atul Deshmukh