Funny Pharm: You Write the Caption & Win: June 2013

"Funny Pharm," features drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King. Submit your caption and win!

Funny Pharm: You Write the Caption

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing presents "Funny Pharm," featuring drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King.

The winning cartoon caption will be featured on the website and in the eNewsletter. The winner will receive a coffee mug with the cartoon and winning caption printed on it.

Please submit your caption to [email protected] 

Thank you for your contributions!

 This month's winner: 

“This gives a whole new meaning to sugar shock” -Leonard Hungiville

contending submissions: 

"I’m shocked!
I know I didn’t ask…but don’t they have to tell?" - Adrianne Setton

"But my sugar levels were great!" - Shelly Krocker 

"From now on, I won't be such a pill." and "Stop the presses!!" -Bill Russo