SP Industries

Aug. 3, 2006
96-Well Freeze Drying System Distributes Heat Evenly

The VirTis 96-well freeze-drying system from SP Industries consists of glass or plastic vials in an aluminum block specifically designed for freeze drying samples. According to the manufacturer, this unique combination of materials eliminates problems such as edge effect typically seen in standard 96-well plastic plates.

Product features:

  • High-efficiency glass or plastic freeze drying vials;

  • Solid aluminum 96-well holders designed to provide even heat distribution to ensure complete freeze drying results for every sample;

  • Slotted LyoCap 96-well capmat stoppersenable samples to be freeze-dried and stored under vacuum, inert gas or filtered air;

  • Economical and robotic-friendly for high-throughput screening, long-term sample storage and aliquot and freeze dried samples.